Honda established five management policies to guide associates in the performance of their daily responsibilities. These management policies will help all associates put the mutually shared company philosophy and company principle into practice.
Also, those in management positions have the responsibility to not only pursue these policies on a personal level, but to create a working environment where their subordinates can pursue and manifest these policies.
All associates are encouraged to put these policies in practice, observing together the freedom of associates to seek out a better way, the "challenging spirit," and corporate sincerity-which serve as Honda's corporate culture. |
Proceed always with ambition and youthfulness |
Honda is recognized as a company which offers products that satisfy the buying public's dreams. We want to remain a company with a dream and with a sense of youthfulness. |
Dreams or ambitions are the positive driving force that motivates us. They can motivate us over our lifetime. They cause us to seek our challenges and to be unafraid of failure. To make dreams come true, we push to overcome obstacles. In pursuit of our dreams, we challenge ourselves and those around us. When we achieve our dreams, we feel a true sense of accomplishment. |
Youthfulness has no direct relation to chronological age. Youthfulness is a spirit that can best be described by the wholehearted commitment to ideals. It is the fresh, open-minded passion for learning. It is untempered by experience. It is neither mired in habit nor bogged down by conservatism. It is the quest to be first, to be best. It is challenging the obvious and taking risks. It is a challenging spirit. |

Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas and make the most effective use of time |
For Honda to be Honda, we strive to stay on the leading edge. In order to do this, we should create new ideas which are backed by sound theory and consider the most efficient and effective ways to carry out our actions.
Theory and Ideas
Sound theory should underlie everything we do. Sometimes, we may forget that the way we have always done something is based on theory. We should not confuse accepted ways of doing things with theory. Look behind the habit to understand the theory on which it has been based. Then, do not be afraid to challenge or change the habit with a fresh idea, being sure that the fresh idea is based on sound theory. Also, we must have the flexibility to accept the fresh idea. Fresh ideas, flexibility, creativity, and innovation keep our company on the leading edge. |
Time is a limited resource. To make the most effective use of our time is a sound concept for approaching our tasks efficiently and productively. Our approach is based on three key elements: simplicity, concentration and speed. |
(1) Simplicity: grasping the essence of what we must do; a focus on critical issues.
(2) Concentration: focus our resources and our thinking where they are most needed to reach the essential goals.
(3) Speed: rapid implementation. |
There is another element to the concept of effective use of time. It is to be ready on time. Everything has a certain timing. For example, in racing competition if the machine and driver are late for the start of the race, even by one minute, the team is disqualified and everyone's efforts have been wasted. |
In every part of our business activities, there are time schedules. In order to make the most effective use of our own time and the time of others, we should be well prepared and meet our time commitments and schedules. |

Enjoy your work, and encourage open communications |
A person's job is a very precious thing. It is to be valued. It should also give a sense of joy and pride. We should also give a sense of joy and pride. We should have a company environment in which each associate can take pride in his or her work and feel a sense of accomplishments. Each associate gains a sense of joy and pride in his or her work when he or she possesses a challenging spirit and utilizes his or her own creativity and intellect to the fullest extent.
At Honda, it is the associates on the spot who are the most knowledgeable about day-to-day operations and best understand the reality of the workplace. These associates are in the best position to know what improvements need to be made in the working environment and to make these improvements themselves. Associates who are in supervisory positions need to support such efforts for improvement by encouraging NH-Circles, suggestions and similar initiatives. The cumulative effect will result in a better working environment, associate satisfaction and a more competitive company. |
The basic approach to work at Honda is through the team. Each associate is a team member and needs to understand the team goals, as well as what his or her role is. Work is pursued as a member of the team. Every member of the team has the opportunity and the obligation to make a contribution. |
For the team to work effectively and harmoniously, good communication is also required among the team members. Discussion, feedback, and information sharing are to be encouraged within entire companies. Two-way communication among all levels of associates is essential. |
In our business activities, management has the obligation to create the atmosphere in which associates can enjoy work. This comes through: |
establishment of a safe and orderly work environment;
work being well organized and fairly allocated;
the assurance of opportunities for each individual to contribute;
a willingness to communicate with and listen to others;
a respect for the ideas of others (open-mindedness);
an attitude of togetherness of teamwork;
a shared sense of purpose; and
a common pride in accomplishments. |

Strive constantly for a harmonious flow of work |
We emphasize a harmonious flow of work to promote an efficient and effective operation. The organization of the flow should be natural, consistent and easily understood. Excesses or irregularities should be adjusted or eliminated.
Each associate's work can often be easily understood as part of the work of his or her team. But, the associate should also consider the work as part of the larger team-a department or a division. |
Metaphorically, the flow of work can be described as the flow of a river. Like a river, there is a "downstream," represented by a division or individual, which receives the result of the work done by an "upstream" division or individual. The result of your work or your division's work greatly affects the outcome of the work being carried out "downstream." In order to create a harmonious flow of work, it is important to consider the "downstream" division or individual as a "customer." Stay attuned to the "customer's" needs or opinions and strive to incorporate them as improvements in your work. In doing this, a mutual trust develops which enables a harmonious flow of work to be realized. |
When we experience a harmonious flow of work, we perceive a kind of rhythm and togetherness. |

Be ever mindful of the value of research and endeavor |
We should always seek improvement and never be satisfied with what is. We know what is now-we look to what can be, and we challenge ourselves to find what will be. What is important is to set a goal, not to fear failures, and take on the task in earnest. This becomes a source of energy and spirit for our company.
Our research and our endeavor always have value. Sometimes, however, research will yield no obvious advancement and we may wonder if the effort is worthwhile. In every case in which we have made strong efforts, we can derive satisfaction from the effort itself, and the knowledge and experience we gain will prepare us for the future. |
An important concept in research and problem solving is the "Three Reality Principles". This principle instructs us to: |
Go to the actual place
For example, go to the shop floor of the production facilities, and to frontline sales activities. |
Know the actual situation
Gaining information from touching, seeing and being in contact with the actual elements, both technical and human. |
Be realistic
Using the information gained from being at the actual place and knowing the actual situation, one must be realistic in his or her assessment and judgment. |
This direct experience will provide us with knowledge to solve the problem |
Honda has always been a company which seeks challenges and takes risks. By pursuing these challenges, we have achieved success. Although we have also experienced some failures, we have learned from our experiences and built on our success through constant research and endeavor. |
